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Actually: na verdade
After all: afinal
Afterwards –after, later. “She died soon afterwards.” “Shortly afterwards, she has met John.” “She wrote about it six years afterwards.”
All in all: apesar de tudo: “all in all, the criticism seemed fair”
Although + subject + verb (contrast)= though, embora, “Although the room is big, the Queen Size bed won't fit there.
“the room is big, but it won't fit that Queen Size bed.”
Altogether: de modo geral, on the whole: “altogether, it was a very good party.”
And so on – e assim por diante
As – como, like: “I work as a teacher”. “As your teacher, I am responsible for teaching grammar...” “I played as a professional.” “I played like Michael Jordan”. (like = similar to)
as a result- por consequencia de. “I nearly missed the flight as a result of getting stuck in traffic.”
as has been noted – como foi notado
as long as: if, se, contanto, enquanto: “I will respect you as long as you respect me” “as long as I live, I will love you”
As well as + noun– além de, besides: “Apple designs are beautiful as well as practical.” “Listening to Opera can stimulate your brain as well as your body and emotions.”
As well as + verb+ing– além de “as well as studying English, I study Spanish.”/“As well as being disrespectful to women, funk stimulates violence.”
At last – finalmente – “The journey had taken a long time, but they had arrived at last.”
At least – pelo menos - “when you travel to USA, you need to save at least $3000 dollars”
Besides + verb+ing: além de, as well as: “Besides being beautiful, Apple designs are practical.”
Concerning (the, this, my etc) em relação à, relating to, regarding, with regard to: “concerning our last conversation”/ “concerning my feelings”/ “there was a lawsuit concerning this issue.”/ “concerning the sale, ….”
Consequently: “The price of real estate has gone up, consequently people have to move to another city”
Despite (apesar, mesmo com) - despite this/that/the +noun /despite the fact that … / despite + verb+ing - In spite of, regardless:
“Despite the age differences, they were close friends.”
“The school is going to be closed despite protests from local people.”
"Queen Elizabeth is a great leader despite her age."
“Despite a thorough investigation, no sign of him has been found.”
“He didn't get the job despite all his qualifications”
“despite being sick, she continued working.”
Even (até) – it was my party last month and all my friends came, even my friends from Australia!
Even so = (contrast) in spite of that (mesmo assim): “there are a lot of spelling mistakes, even so, it’s quite a good text.
Even though + subject + verb (contrast) although, though, embora: Even though I was really tired, I couldn't sleep
Eventually: finalmente, in the end: “Eventually, they got to the hospital.” “I found Victoria Avenue, eventually.” eventually, he arrived.
for all that (conclusion) por tudo isso/esses motivos
for instance = for example
for: Therefore (reason, conclusion) – that’s why
formerly: in the past, antigamente, a princípio, in earlier times,
further 1: além disso, furthermore; further, he even brought a friend. Further, he should be here any minute.
Further 2: (adj) extra: “For further information” – para mais informações. “Further information is available at our website”. “See enclosed leaflet for further information.” “Please remain indoors until further instructions”
Furthermore: além disso - and; moreover; : “this specie has charm and, furthermore, is easy to plant” “The house is beautiful. Furthermore, it's in a great location.”“Leonardo makes amazing art. Furthermore, he’s such a nice man!””
Granted: já que, uma vez que, mesmo que
Hence (adv + conjunction): consequently, therefore, that is the reason (por isso, sendo assim) “The company lost a lot of money. Hence, the manager was asked to resign” “This material is stronger and hence last longer.”
“Estes parafusos são mais fortes e consequentemente duram mais tempo.”
“Hence, our company will invest in projects with the greatest potential”
“sendo assim, nossa empresa irá investir nos projetos com maior potencial.”
Hereby – por esse meio – “the Senate hereby solicits proposals from developers”
however: but (mas), used when you are saying something that contrasts with a previous statement.
“Mary should stay at home and study. However, she decided to go camping” (BUT)
“however she held the mirror, she couldn’t see the back of her neck.” (ALTHOUGH)
In addition - Moreover = furthermore = além disso
in brief: concisely, in short, shortly, briefly speaking… “To answer this in brief..”
in fact (de fato, na verdade) in truth — used to stress that a statement is true although it may be surprising or unlikely: “He looks young, but in fact, he’s in his 40’s”
in spite of = despite = apesar. In spite of + noun
instead (of) – ao invés de - “I don’t have any coffee, would you mind drinking tea instead?”
indeed (de fato, na verdade),
Likewise: in the same way “Everyone in class studies 3 hours a day, we should do likewise”
Meanwhile – while, during the same time. “Please make something to eat. Meanwhile, I’ll clean”
Moreover = furthermore = além disso (addition)
Namely: isto é, ou seja, that is, to be specific (example or illustration) ““Malaria can be prevented, namely by taking malaria tablets and using a mosquito net”
Nevertheless: but, nonetheless (porém, apesar) – “this was a small, nevertheless fatal error.” “We’re always arguing, she’s my best friend nonetheless”
Nonetheless - nevertheless
Not only… but also = não só… mas também = I like not only pizza but also hot dog. / I watch not only romance but also comedy.”
Once – one time, uma vez
on the contrary
on the other hand – por outro lado
otherwise (ou, senão) or, in a different way or manner. “The store must be open, otherwise there wouldn't be anyone inside” "On Thanksgiving, the staff got an hour for dinner; otherwise, the schedule was the same" go home — otherwise your mother will worry
OTHERWISE 2 – adv differently: I wouldn't have thought otherwise. / . She thought otherwise. The evidence is otherwise.”
Regardless (of): independentemente, apesar, despite – “The plan for a new office building went ahead regardless of local opposition.” “This job is open to all, regardless of previous experience.” (it doesn’t matter if you have experience)
“She knew it was dangerous to visit him except at night, but she set out regardless (of the risk).”
Similarly – in a similar way : in almost the same way. “My sister’s house and my house are decorated similarly: we love minimalism”
Soon – logo, em breve
still – ainda, ainda que
surely (certamente)
that is – ou seja, isto é, “for example”
Therefore: for that reason (portanto, por isso), hence = “We were unable to get funding and therefore had to abandon the project.” “The defendant was depressed and therefore not fully responsible for her own actions.”
though: but, embora (pronúncia: “dou”)
thus (therefore, so, in this way, assim, portanto, deste modo) “The detergent is highly concentrated, thus you will have to dilute it” “Wow, good job everyone! You should now have a clearer understanding of sentence connectors.”
to sum up – to summarise – to conclude - para resumir
truly: in fact, really, realmente, de fato: “utilizamos o marketing direto para realmente falar com os clientes (falar de fato, de verdade)
undoubtedly (indiscutivelmente, sem dúvidas)
unlikely (adj) improvável – "legislation on this issue is highly unlikely" “"these services are unlikely to be available in Brazil”
whereas: but, enquanto, compared to the fact that
whether … or not - I’m not sure whether you will agree with this or not.
Yet: ainda, ainda assim, mesmo assim: “it’s a small car; yet it’s spacious.” / he has a new job, and yet never seems to have any money.
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