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01 Business English - CEO, CIO
00:00 / 00:50
02 Business English - Match
00:00 / 02:25
03 Business English - Find words in exercise 1
00:00 / 01:24
04 Business English - Lesson 3 - exercise 3
00:00 / 00:44
05 Business English - Lesson 3 - Exercise 5
00:00 / 01:20
00:00 / 02:11



Abide by (verb) - Aceitar e executar uma tarefa, cumprir algo, ficar fiel.

Account for (verb) - Prestar contas, responder por, explicar algo

Acknowledge (verb): recognize, accept – “He acknowledged he was wrong.” - Admitir, reconhecer

Aid: (verb and noun) help    “The government provided financial aid to the people.” - Auxílio, assistência, ajuda, auxiliar, ajudar, socorrer


Aim (verb and noun) “The new law aims to benefit retired people” / “overall aim”: objetivo global

Visar alguém ou alguma coisa, mirar em um objetivo, almejar, pretender, apontar e uma determinada direção.


Allow – permit, make possible  “A flexible schedule allows the employees more freedom” - Permitir, conceder, possibilitar.


Amount  (noun): quantity.  total amount (noun): montante total / gross amount: montante bruto - montante, quantidade, valor, quantia.


Amount to (verb): To be equivalent  “The phone bill amounts to 50 euros.”   -Equivaler, corresponder a


Apply for (verb): request admission. “he applied for unemployment benefits”; “she will apply to college next year”. - Candidatar-se a, concorrer, registrar-se (à uma vaga de emprego ou faculdade)


Available (adj) ready for use; at hand; accessible (disponível) “this service is available from all good travel agents”  (“from” not “with”) “tickets are available from the box office”    “there’s no information available.”

“I used whatever tools were available.”


Boundary: a line that marks the limits of an area; a dividing line - Limite, fronteira


Core: 1)essential (noun)   2)(verb) extrair a parte essencial; 3 (verb) fill in; build with a central part consisting of a different material from that of the covering: “this is a fiberglass boat deck that is cored with wood.”

core 1)Essencial (substantivo). / core 2) extrair uma parte (verbo)  core 3. preencher (verbo)


Current (adj): present time, in progress now. (atual) current job; current leaders. current negotiations.


Data - information - dados


Dependable (adj) reliable, trustworthy – “scientists only use dependable data for their researches.”

confiável, seguro


Despite (conjunction) despite this/ despite the fact that …  (without of!)  / despite + verb + ing

In spite of, regardless (apesar de, mesmo)

“Despite the age difference, they were close friends.”

“The school is going to be closed despite protests from local people.”

"Queen Elizabeth is a great leader despite her age."

“Despite a thorough investigation, no sign of him has been found.”

“He didn't get the job despite all his qualifications”

“she wasn’t well, but despite this she continued working”


Divert: turn to another direction. - desviar


Enable: make possible, permit, activate.  “the evidence would enable us to arrive at firm conclusions” “this box has wheels to enable easy transportation”    - Possibilitar, habilitar, ativar


Enclosed – attached. “See enclosed leaflet for further information.”  - anexo


Exert: exercise, put (oneself) to a big effort: “we exerted ourselves to raise funds.” “he needs to exert himself to try to find an answer”  -  esforçar-se


Exerting – applying a force or influence. “the moon exerts a force on the Earth” -exercendo, empregando


Flight – escape  - fuga


Foreground (verb and noun)  the part of a view that is nearest to the observer, especially in a photograph - primeiro plano


Further (adj) additional, extra. Adicional, mais, complementar. “Further information is available at our website" “See enclosed leaflet for further information.” “Please remain indoors until further instructions” 

For further information – para mais informações


Gauge: (verb) "guei-gi" measure, determine the amount, or volume of.  - Medir, calibrar, aferir


Hence (adv + conjunction): consequently, therefore, that is the reason “These screws are more robust and hence last longer.”

“Hence, our company will invest in projects with the greatest potential”

Conseqüentemente, por isso, sendo assim “Estes parafusos são mais fortes e consequentemente duram mais tempo.”

“sendo assim, nossa empresa irá investir nos projetos com maior potencial.” 


Issue: problem, situation, subject … that people discuss. (Assunto, questão, situação, problema)  “this website is devoted to environmental issues.” “assuntos ambientais”


know-how - knowledge conhecimento


Merely: simply, only, nothing else.  “Singing is merely a hobby to me.” “The aim is not merely to collect data but to facilitate…”

Simplesmente, meramente, somente, apenas.  “O objetivo não é apenas coletar dados, mas possibilitar ...”


Misplaced (adj) out of the correct place.  “he misplaced his credential card”

extraviado, colocado em lugar errado


Misplace (verb) – put in a wrong place, lose temporarily -  Extraviar, Perder temporariamente


Money order - boleto


Mop up: clean, exterminate - Limpar, exterminar


Neatly – clearly  - Nitidamente, claramente


Outlay (noun) something spent.  “Initial outlay”: gasto inicial.  “These often require a

 hefty financial outlay and you need to be certain that you will more than recover your costs.”

Gasto, custo,  desembolso, despesa.  “Isto normalmente terá um custo alto e você precisa ter certeza que vai ter um bom retorno.” 


Outline (verb) “The president outlined his proposals for the next year.” -Delinear, traçar. “O presidente delineou as propostas...”


Perennial: (adj)  existing for a long infinite time; always existing and never seeming to change. “his perennial distrust of the media” (perene, permanente)


Prevailing (adj): dominant, most important. “Only a few scientists reject the prevailing theory.”

prevailing conditions – condições predominantes,  prevailing view - opinião dominante

Predominante, dominante.


Prevail (verb): prove to be more powerful than opposing forces; be victorious  “The trial was controversial, but justice prevailed.”


Prevalecer, predominar, determinar. “O julgamento foi controverso, mas a justiça prevaleceu.”


PO - purchase order  - Orçamento para pedido de compra


Raise: “reiz” -  to lift something - “raise your hand if you have a question - Levantar (a mão, uma placa)


Reappraisal: revaluation, reassessment, review - reavaliação


Recall: remember - bring a situation back into your mind. “I can still vaguely recall being taken to the hospital”  (recordar, relembrar)


Relay: transmit again - retransmitir


Rely on: depend on, count on, trust me - Confiar, contar com o apoio.


Rise: to move up  “rá-iz”–– give rise to experiences – “origin” -  “hot air rises” - Subir


Scope - escopo, objeto de observação


Signpost: a sign giving information about the direction or distance - Placa, letreiro


Spill: allow (liquid) to flow over the edge of its container and fall on the floor - Derramar


Sweeping – extensive (adjective)  “she is exerting sweeping influence on behavior.” - Extensivo, grande


Suppression: omission   (noun)  (suppress - verb) - Omissão, repressão


tax invoice - nota fiscal


Trigger: Initiate - Desencadear, iniciar


Unaware of (adj) not informed - desinformado


Underlie: be the basis of;  “Integrity is the principle that underlies the company's policy.” “Integridade é o

princípio que fundamenta a política da empresa.” - Basear, ter como base, ter como prioridade, fundamentar


Vexing (adj) frustrating, annoying - Incomodo, irritante


Wary (adj) cautious about possible problems - Cauteloso


Whilst: While - enquanto

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